FUSA and Fairfield @ Night to do battle at next Late Night at Barone

By Marvin Gaye
Executive editor

     The long-lasting rivalry between FUSA and Fairfield @ Night will finally be settled this Friday. Amidst those who will gather at Late Night at Barone for some snacks, FUSA and Fairfield @ Night representatives will clear everyone standing awkwardly with their friends in order to set up—in lieu of a mechanical bull—a boxing ring in the middle of the dining hall.

Fighting representatives will have it out while their older counterparts stand by and watch. The match is expected to last approximately three minutes before one of the representatives claims on campus nightlife bragging rights.

FUSA and Fairfield @ Night have long despised each other, as each attempt to make themselves known as the group with the most popular events on campus. Although Fairfield @ Night has been upping FUSA recently—let us not forget the monthly Bingo series—FUSA has still done well this year.

It is still unclear—however—which team reigning heavyweight champion Bannow Front Door will fight for.

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