Referees try to remind students that pro scouts are not in attendance at intramural games

By Grove Canaday
Managing Editor

     Softball spiking, basketball stuffing, soccer slide tacking, hockey boarding. After numerous injuries and tears on the courts and fields of Fairfield’s intramural sporting events, the student referees are making an organized attempt to remind athletes that pro scouts only attend the Division I games at Fairfield—not intramurals.

“I think I’ve sent at least five kids to the health center just this year from injuries that have stemmed from an overinflated sense of competition,” said junior referee Sean McMillian.

Nurses at the health center say that they’ve seen far worse: large egos, painful cases of smugness, and self-importance are just some of the issues that they are forced to heal on a daily basis.

“I don’t see this get getting resolved any time soon.” said a horrified nurse who refused to provide her name due to her personal scars in dealing with these students.

McMillan said he’s working with COSO to organize a movement that promotes the truth of the intramural games—that they’re there for enjoyment and not for the potential to be recruited by professional league scouts.

McMillan said, “I know there’s some sort of statistic saying that like 7% of kids who play intramurals end up playing pro, but those kids are real special. They don’t need the scouts. If you’re here for scouts, I dunno—you’re gonna have to look elsewhere.”

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