‘Boychoir’ extra really banking on this thing to launch his acting career

By Archibald Votey

     Claiming that it’ll look really good on his IMDB page, and that “that’s all casting directors really care about,” Randall Markoff is really hoping that his opportunity to work on Francois  Girard’s upcoming film, “Boychoir” will be a launching pad into film contracts with  Miramax and eventually artistic merit and fame in the film world.

“It’s really good to get s*** like this  on your resume` early on you know?” Markoff  told reporters, “I get to put that I was ‘student walking’ on my IMDB page. Everybody wins.”
Markoff is allegedly ignoring the well known fact in the film industry that it takes decades of difficult work and dedication to land fame in Hollywood, and some of the best never come close to making it.

“Screw those guys though,” Markoff continued, “They probably just aren’t as good as me. You watch, today I’m second bill to an eight-year old, tomorrow, it’s to  Brad Pitt.”
At press time, Markoff was seen experiencing existential angst and self loathing.

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