Turkeys assist avian bretheren, give geese Barone food

By Dustin Hoffman
Guest columnist

     So a couple of these college kids asked me to write some kind of turkey newswire for their little project, so I guess that’s what I am doing. I really don’t know what this whole turkey thing is about; I haven’t even seen any turkeys on campus besides that one in my sandwich at Barone. You know, when I was young, I would go out with my father and hunt hundreds of turkeys with only a knife. Those were the good old days.

Actually, I think I recall hitting a turkey on my way to one of the sets on campus. I’m not sure. I couldn’t hear very well because I was listening to “The Sound of Silence” on my “Graduate” cassette tape in my car. I carry that little cassette everywhere I go. Boy, do I love those Paul Simon tunes.

Apparently there is some kind of pact between the geese on this campus and the turkeys that hang out behind that Quick Center. I dunno, they didn’t really tell me what to write. Come to think of it, I remember eating a great goose dish at a restaurant down in L.A. I wonder if Mrs. Robinson is still down there, I think I might give her a call.

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